I’m New
Let’s be honest, checking out a new church can be scary. What will the people be like? Will I fit in? Will I be expected to act a certain way or know certain things? What if…?
Trinity Church is a community of average, everyday people, journeying together to discover what it means to follow Jesus in today’s world. We are not perfect, we do not have all the answers, and we will not pretend that we do. What we do believe is that God has revealed Himself to the world through Jesus Christ and has given us His Word (the Bible), as a way to know His story — and therefore our own. Our goal is to discover God’s will and walk it out together.
Our vision is: “To fully love God and sacrificially serve others.” What that means is this: We pray, study, worship and share in the sacraments, to learn more about God and experience His grace and presence in our lives. We are also committed to sacrificing our comfort and luxuries to help others. Through all of this we believe that God’s Spirit is guiding us — transforming
us from the inside out to reflect His image and character in this world.
us from the inside out to reflect His image and character in this world.
Therefore, we want to welcome you. If you have been searching for a community where you can be honest about your struggles and doubts, if you are desiring to walk through life in community with others, and you want to grow in your relationship with God while being challenged to serve others… then come and join us in our journey.